2 January 2014

Digital Signal Processing labs

This post contains all the lab practicals being carried out for Digital Signal Processing subject for GTU(Gujarat Technological University).

Direct download link for all practicals combined is given at the bottom.

LAB-1 To study discrete time sequence.

LAB-2 To study discrete sequence operation.(Shifting and multiplication operation).

LAB-3 Write a matlab code for convolution of two sequences.

LAB-4 Write a matlab code to find the unit step,sine,impulse and exponential response of a system using filter command.

LAB-5 Write a matlab code to find z-transform of exponential function and plot its pzplot as well as magnitude and phase plot.

LAB-6 Write a MATLAB code to find DTFT of a sequence.

LAB-7 Write a MATLAB code to find DFT of a sequence and also find the IDFT of same and compare it with original sequence.

LAB-8 Write a MATLAB code to find circular convolution of a sequence.

LAB-9 Write a MATLAB code to design a FIR filter using fvtool and also to design it with any windowing technique.

Direct download link for all experiments combined

                                                                    LABS 1-9

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